Ultimate Cleanse Review
Rated: 5.5 out of 10
by FastWeightLoss.com
Ultimate Cleanse is the best-selling colon cleansing and detoxification supplement put out by Nature's Secret. Since Nature's Secret products are widely distributed, we decided to review Ultimate Cleanse. Our team dropped by the local natural foods store to pick up a couple boxes of Ultimate Cleanse to be thoroughly tested. Our team checks the product for the best ingredients, quality of ingredients, and quality of the brand. We also subject the supplement to trial runs, as well as research what other consumers are saying about the product. Ultimate Cleanse, in our study, turned out to be yet another ingredient-heavy laxative with only slight properties of a true colon cleansing aid.
Ultimate Cleanse Ingredients
Time and time again, our reviewers point out authoritative sources such as the University of Maryland Medical Center that says all ingredients should be clearly labeled with weight and dosage information. Ultimate Cleanse only tells us that their 31 ingredients equal a total of 640mg per tablet. This tells us nothing. Ultimate Cleanse contains cayenne powder. It would not be very reassuring to find out that it is 639mg of hot cayenne and 1mg of all combined other products. With Ultimate Cleanse we will never know. It is a good thing then, that most of the ingredients, such as dandelion, licorice root, red raspberry leaf, and plantain powder have almost no effect on the human body. None of the other ingredients are much good in a colon cleanse either, with the exception of slippery elm powder. Ultimate Cleanse provides two different tablets which they call Multi-Herb Digestion & Detox Support and Multi-Fiber Cleanse. They are to be taken together but for some reason, they contain many of the same ingredients with cascara sagrada being the major laxative.
Ultimate Cleanse Side Effects
Our reviewers are always suspect of any colon cleanse with more ingredients than we have fingers and toes. Supplements are not to be combined. Many of them are not fully tested and interactions are unknown, as we are told by the doctors of the Mayo Clinic at. Other side effects of Ultimate Cleanse include the fact that cascara sagrada may cause muscle twitching, cramping, decrease in bowel movements, intestinal bleeding, mood changes, and dizziness. These known side effects of cascara sagrada were reported by Medicinenet.com.
Buy Ultimate Cleanse
Nature's Secret may be in most major stores, but that does little to prove the quality and reliability of the company, as our reviewers have come to discover. Nature's Secret offers no guarantee and the best they can do for a trial is 2-days for $6.99. To adequately determine the quality of a colon cleansing product, the very minimum of 14 days is required with 30 being optimal. As well, $6.99 for shipping is much too steep for what you are receiving. The full 2-part Ultimate Cleanse kit contains 120 tablets for each part, but dosage ranges at up to 6 tablets per day. That is potentially only a 20 day supply for $29.95.
Does Ultimate Cleanse Work?
Our experts have convened and they agree that Ultimate Cleanse does not provide an adequate solution for colon cleansing and detoxification. For one reason, tablets are the most ineffective delivery method of colon cleansers. Powders and capsules are much more reliable. Ultimate Cleanse is simply a 31 ingredient diuretic and laxative, having no cleansing ability at all. We can also see no benefit in weight loss and no increase in energy. The strange fact that there are virtually zero customer testimonials is another reason to look elsewhere for a colon cleanser.
Excellent | Very Good | Good | Fair | Poor |
Rank | Product | Photo | Effectiveness | Safety | Total Score / Learn More |
1 | Core Cleanse | 9.50 Learn More |
2 | Bowtrol | 8.75 Learn More |
3 | Dual Action Cleanse | 7.75 Learn More |
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